Can’t access PWA settings because “This page has been blocked by Microsoft Edge”
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I am trying to change my PWA settings, but when pressing on settings button in PWA or going to edge://app-settings, it’s saying, that “app-settings is blocked” “This page has been blocked by Microsoft Edge” “ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT”. Can’t really understand why edge blocking it’s pages lmao. Btw my privacy settings are set to Balanced.

yeah I am getting that too, installed a new PWA from Twitter to test


is the URL it gives me (the second part is the PWA hash i think)

edit: found the fix!!!!!!!!!!!!

GO TO edge://apps/all – screenshot

tap LINK HANDLING FOR WINDOWS then it started working for me

Can’t access PWA settings because “This page has been blocked by Microsoft Edge” : r/edge (
